Why Brunch?

The Story

Pam first offered to do Brunch & Budgets for her friends waaaay back in January 2012. She sent a handful of friends an email and told them, "Note: all meetings will happen over food/drink-type things and I only accept food and drink as payment. Feed me, Seymour!" (She had just watched little shop of horrors, haha).

This whole thing started off as a way to help her friends with their finances and she could have never, ever imagined that she would have the privilege to turn this into a business helping people with their financial lives.

Pam dug up the old email and want to share the last paragraph of it because it's as true today as it was in 2013:

So Why Brunch?

Brunch & Budget is about sharing and building together on common ground.

Although we no longer do in-person brunches, the spirit of brunch and breaking bread is infused in all of our programs.

We’ll help you find the JOY, FUN, and CONFIDENCE you’re looking for when it comes to reaching your financial goals.

We cut away the pretense, the gravitas, and, frankly, the BS, that often comes with engaging in the financial services industry.

As we uncover what you really value and what you truly want your life to look like, we can put in motion the strategies and tactics that will bring you financial clarity.

All the other noise is silenced, all the other distractions disappear. Our programs give you the space to have real, open, and vulnerable conversations.

Brunch & Budget® isn't about brunch or even about budgeting. It's about getting to the heart of why we're here in the first place:

To help you find the path to live the life you want to live.

Through the good times and the hard times, we’ll get there together.